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Erweiterte Bereitstellungsoptionen

Die Cloud-native Architektur von Fusion erleichtert die Bereitstellung im Rechenzentrum, in der Cloud oder in einer hybriden Umgebung – überall dort, wo Kubernetes für die Containerorchestrierung verwendet wird.

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Three Reasons to Go Cloud-Native with Fusion

Application Resilience

Application Resilience

You serve customers and employees with the mission-critical apps that run on Fusion. As the number of applications, queries, and documents grow, those apps will continue to perform reliably.

Economic Infrastructure

Economic Infrastructure

You’ve got application SLAs to maintain. With Fusion, you can meet those with less infrastructure. When demand is low, dial down and save money. When there’s peak demand, ramp back up.

Easy Maintenance

Easy Maintenance

Whether you have one application running on Fusion or ten, you can maintain, upgrade and add new apps with less administrative effort and with little to no disruption in service.

Fusion Deployment Options

Cloud-native architectures allow precise management of a platform’s individual software components. Kubernetes orchestrates Fusion’s cloud-native architecture, and sustains the logical separation provided by microservices, the physical separation provided by containers, and the APIs that connect the components. As a result, the Fusion platform can evolve with the changing storage, compute and application ecosystem.

Hosted by Lucidworks

Managed Fusion in the Cloud

DevOps teams have conflicting demands on their time. In general, development and deployment of new business applications makes the best use of their time and resources. Managing an internal hardware stack in support of an intelligent search platform? Not so much. Some of Lucidworks’ largest customers prefer that we manage Fusion for them.


Self-Hosted Options


Private Cloud or Data Center

Fusion is available for private cloud deployments or for self-hosting in the data center. This allows our customers to offer services over the Internet or in a private internal network and make those available only to select users, giving them public cloud advantages, with the control of hosting on-premises.

Customers who use Kubernetes can deploy a single-tenant Fusion cloud environment running on-premises or in an off-site data center. For those strategies, customers can use Kubernetes on RedHat Openshift or Kubernetes on Rackspace.


Public or Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

Deploy Fusion either on a multi-tenant Public Cloud infrastructure or on Virtual Private Cloud deployments, running on a cloud environment dedicated to just one customer. VPCs protect clients running mission-critical applications from “noisy neighbors” who might consume more than their fair share of resources.  VPCs also offer private IP and networks for added information security. No noisy neighbors. No nosey neighbors.

We support Fusion on:

  • GCP, with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
  • AWS, with Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS), or
  • Microsoft Azure with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

Lucidworks Fusion Pricing

Lucidworks offers pricing across three product tiers, either self-hosted by your team or as a Lucidworks managed service in the cloud with list prices calibrated to expected usage levels.

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Let’s Talk

Contact us today to learn how Fusion can help you and our team put the power of machine learning and search to work to dazzle your customers and empower your employees.

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