September 8, 2010
09:00 PDT, 12:00 EDT, 16:00 GMT
Hosted by and sponsored by Lucid Imagination

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In order to deliver a compelling, customized search experience, a broad span of leading organizations are turning to search solutions that include full-text search capabilities.

In this webcast, author and database/XML expert Nicholas Chase contrasts the conventional SQL-driven programming approach with the simpler, more streamlined approaches available with Solr/Lucene. He will explore how to approach search with Solr and get started on a real search application that produces useful search results, along with a sample application and sample data.

Nicholas Chase, Database XML Author and Expert

Nicholas Chase is the author of several books on XML and web programming, including XML Primer Plus and Active Server Pages 3.0 From Scratch. In the early web days, he helped pioneer the notion of updating databases via browser.  He has been a trainer for Oracle Education, written tutorials for IBM developerWorks on a myriad of topics, and built numerous web apps.  He currently works as a web programmer and writes tutorials on various technical subjects.  Find him at

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