As the Great Recession tests all of our economic patience, many people I know, myself include, have gotten into the habit of looking at graphs of economic indicators. Stock prices, petroleum, unemployment, store closing, health care costs, it’s usually not good news these days. Particularly if you look back at some deep historical horizon, say, since last November. Lots of valleys, plains, with the peaks retreating in the distance.

Then I saw this little gem which Matt Asay shouted out — originating with CMS Watch’s Kas Thomas — on the nice little bump in Lucene, Hadoop and Solr job postings since 2005. Anyone else got graphs starting in 2005 that have this kind of sweet swoop up and to the right? Jack Germain talks about the demand for talent in the open source space in general and Lucene and Solr in particular, today in Linux Insider; the article uses terms you don’t hear much of in this economy: „Growing Field“, „Stable Pay“.

Seems almost nostalgic — but from here at Lucid, we’re doing our part — as we announced publicly available training courses this week, including some introductory online classes for those who are looking to get in the game Lucene/Solr without leaving their desks. Check ‚em out, and sign up — or forward to friends who are looking for a little up-and-to-the-right in their career landscape.

About Grant Ingersoll

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