I’ve got good news and bad news regarding my upcoming „Stump The Chump“ Session at Lucene Revolution.

The Bad News is that in spite of my best efforts, I won’t be sitting in a Dunk Tank during the session. Evidently, the hotel isn’t keen on the idea of having a giant sloshing water tank in one of their conference rooms.

The Good News is that there will be some great prizes for the top three people who „Stump The Chump“

The prizes will be awarded at the discretion of the judges, based on their combined (subjective) opinions about which questions they think stumped me the most.

It’s not to late to submit your questions!

If you’ve got a tough Solr problem, send a description to „stump@lucenerevolution.org“ or reply to this crowdvine post by Mark Miller (our Head Judge). Even if you’ve already solved the problem yourself: submit it to see if I can come up with a solution on the spot. Even if you can’t make it to the conference: submit your question anyway and you can watch me squirm later when we post video of the session on online.

About Hoss

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