Every year (sometimes twice a year) I get to have a lot of fun doing something affectionately known as „Stump The Chump“ — this year is no exception. One month from today I will be in the hot seat again at Lucene/Solr Revolution 2013. Even if you can’t make it to sunny San Diego you’ll be able to watch the whole session streamed online, LIVE!.

If you aren’t familiar with „Stump the Chump“ it’s a Q&A style session where „The Chump“ (that would be me) is challenged to solve tough / interesting / unusual questions and problems involving Lucene & Solr — live, on stage, in front of hundreds of people who are laughing at me. A panel of judges who have all seen and thought about the questions in advance is on hand to mock me and make me look bad, and to award prizes to folks whose questions do the best job of „Stumping the Chump.“

You can check out videos from past sessions at Lucene Eurocon 2012, Lucene Revolution 2012, and Lucene Eurocon 2011 to see how awesome it is.

I’ll be posting more updates about the session as we get closer to the confrence — including details about the panel of judges, the prizes, and how to access the live video stream. So subscribe to SearchHub (or just the „Chump“ tag) to stay informed. In the mean time, you can email your questions to stump@lucenerevolution.org — and even if I don’t see you in San Diego, that doens’t mean you won’t be able to see me!

About Hoss

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