Economic Stimulus from Washington: Prizes for Stumping The Chump!

Most of the time, if you see “Washington”, “November” & “$” in the same article, you are probably reading about Elections, Campaign Finance Reform, Super-PACs, Attack Ads, and maybe even Criminal Investigations.
This is not one of those articles.
Today I’m here to remind you that on November 13th, you can “Win, Win! Win!!!” big prizes if you have a tough Lucene/Solr question that manages to Stump The Chump!
- 1st Prize: $100 Amazon gift certificate
- 2nd Prize: $50 Amazon gift certificate
- 3rd Prize: $25 Amazon gift certificate
To enter: just email your tough question to our panel of judges via any time until the day of the session. Even if you won’t be able to attend the conference in D.C., you can still participate — and maybe win a prize — by emailing in your tricky questions.
To keep up with all the “Chump” news fit to print, you can subscribe to this blog (or just the “Chump” tag).
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