On Novmber 6th, Stump The Chump will invade Dublin, Ireland at Lucene/Solr Revolution EU 2013.

Stump The Chump is always an insanely awesome and hilarious experience for two simple reasons: The great questions submitted by Solr/Lucene users; The panel of judges that keep me on my toes, and make me look foolish.

Today I’m happy to announce the list of Solr committers who have agreed to help humiliate me by being on the panel in Dublin:

In addition to mocking me as I struggle to answer tough questions on the spot, the Panel members will be awarding prizes to the folks who have submitted those question that do the best job of „Stumping“ me. Questions can be submitted to stump@lucenerevolution.org any time over the next month — even if you won’t be able to attend the conference. To stay informed about this session, subscribe to this SearchHub.org (or just the “Chump” tag).

UPDATE: Due to a scheduling problem, Yonik will not be able to participate in the panel, so Steve Rowe will be filling in for him.

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