Are you the kind of person who thinks „Man, I never win anything.“ ? Do you avoids carnival games even when they are free because you’re convinced they are rigged to be too hard? Well then my friend, I have got the contest for you…

Stump The Chump, and Win a Prize!

Next week, at Lucene Revolution in San Diego, We’ll be holding our recuring „Stump The Chump“ event where folks just like you can submit tough problems or challenges you are faving involving Lucene/Solr — the tougher the problem, the more complex the challenge, the more you’ve struggled with a problem — hte more likelye you are to win!

Just email a description of your problem to and see if you can Stump The Chump (that would be me). Prizes will be awarded at the discretion of our panel, based on their combined (subjective) opinions about which questions they think stumped me the most:

    • 1st Prize: $100 Amazon gift certificate
    • 2nd Prize: $50 Amazon gift certificate
    • 3rd Prize: $25 Amazon gift certificate

Even if you’ve already solved an interesting problem yourself: submit it to see if I can come up with a solution on the spot. Even if you can’t make it to the conference: submit your question anyway and you can watch me squirm on the live stream from the Lucene Revolution website. (details coming soon)

About Hoss

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