Next generation search applications have resulted in competitive advantage, more productive and efficient access to internal information, and increased revenues due to better customer experiences. Open Source search based on Apache Lucene and Apache Solr are now powering applications at thousands of companies worldwide including AT&T, LinkedIn, Ford, Verizon,, Cisco, HP, and The Guardian. Find out how cost savings, scalability, and other benefits are driving this adoption – and where the market is headed.

Sourcesense and Lucid Imagination are proud to announce this European tour during which, among other things, Lucid Imagination will present how Lucidworks Enterprise Delivers Enterprise Search:

„What’s needed for broader enterprise adoption of Solr? in addition to requirements like flexibility, scalability, cost savings, and transparency already met by Solr there are new demands for ease-of-use, accelerated developer productivity, integration, management, security, and enterprise-grade support. This talk will cover these emerging enterprise search requirements – and how the new Lucidworks Enterprise platform from Lucid Imagination meets these demands.“

Registration is free, but seats are limited, so register now!

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