I’m happy to announce the release of Lucidworks Fusion version 1.2 (download and product info). Like previous versions, Fusion 1.2 runs on top of Apache Solr, and gives you access to all the speed, scalability, flexibility, and reliability that Solr is known for. In addition, Fusion bring a new user experience, a new developer experience, more visibility, more security, more visualization, deep insights, and rich analytics capabilities to any Solr deployment. You can take advantage of all these Fusion capabilities to easily and quickly build and deploy rich and powerful search-based applications.

Fusion 1.2 has a lot of improvements over the previous version. The most visible ones are:

  • A reworked Relevancy Workbench user interface
  • An improved and customizable Search page

The Relevancy Workbench now lets you compare the results of two query pipelines side-by-side, and view the changes to results as you modify the query pipeline.


The Search interface has a new look, but more importantly, it now lets you customize it by selecting which fields are displayed as titles and summaries, which are used as facets, how they are labeled, and whether they are displayed at all:



Besides the Relevancy Workbench and the Search interface, you’ll find a freshened look in a few other places in the UI, and this will eventually find its way everywhere:


Less obvious, but no less important, Fusion 1.2 comes with a few new connectors for importing and indexing data:

  • A Jira connector and a Slack connector bring in data from the respective systems.
  • A Solr connector allows you to easily move or migrate data from one Solr system to another – perhaps you want to upgrade your hardware, or go to a new installation and version that has the clustering feature enabled, or perhaps you want to make a test environment.
  • And most interesting to me, the Javascript connector lets you write code on the fly to call APIs and fetch data from any place that’s not already reachable via an existing connector. With this connector, we’ve made it easy to script your own data collection, while not having to worry about capabilities Fusion provides like scheduling, logging, and monitoring.

Behind the scenes, we’ve also been working on foundational changes that will become important in future releases. We’ve improved security on the backend, added configuration APIs, and enhanced audit logging. Stay tuned, as the effects of this work will become apparent soon. But for now, enjoy Fusion 1.2!

For more information about Lucidworks Fusion, go to our product page or contact us today.

Read the release notes for Fusion 1.2.

Gerald Kanapathy is VP of Products at Lucidworks.

About Gerald Kanapathy

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