How Cloudera Secures Solr with Apache Sentry
How to augment Solr with support for Kerberos authentication as well as collection and document-level access control.

As we countdown to the annual Lucene/Solr Revolution conference in Austin this October, we’re highlighting talks and sessions from past conferences. Today, we’re highlighting Cloudera’s Gregory Chanan’s session on TOPIC.
Apache Solr, unlike other enterprise Big Data applications that it is increasingly deployed alongside, provides minimal security features out of the box. This limitation makes it significantly more burdensome for organizations to deploy Solr than solutions that have built-in support for standard authentication and authorization mechanisms. Apache Sentry is a project in the Apache Incubator designed to address these concerns.
Sentry augments Solr with support for Kerberos authentication as well as collection and document-level access control. In this talk, we’ll discuss the ACL models and features of Sentry’s security mechanisms. We will also present implementation details on Sentry’s integration with Solr. Finally, we will present performance measurements in order to characterize the impact of integrating Sentry with Solr.
Gregory Chanan is a Software Engineer at Cloudera working on Search, where he leads the security integration efforts around Apache Solr. He is a committer on the Apache HBase and Apache Sentry (incubating) projects and a contributor to various other Apache projects. Prior to Cloudera, he worked as a Software Engineer for distributed computing software startup Optumsoft.
Join us at Lucene/Solr Revolution 2015, the biggest open source conference dedicated to Apache Lucene/Solr on October 13-16, 2015 in Austin, Texas. Come meet and network with the thought leaders building and deploying Lucene/Solr open source search technology. Full details and registration…
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