ACTIVATE, the Search and AI conference hosted by Lucidworks, will take place virtually on Thursday, October 27th. We’re extremely excited to share that the call for submissions is now open, and we look forward to reviewing the amazing ideas that come forward!

For the unfamiliar, each year ACTIVATE gathers experts and innovators in the areas of search, AI, data science, customer service, product discovery, knowledge management, digital transformation, and more to share their latest projects and ideas in delivering personalized experiences. If you have an innovation, project, or unique perspective that you are burning to share with the world that falls within our range of topics, we want to hear from you! Please submit your talk by Friday, August 26th.


For more details about speaker tracks, topic suggestions, and general areas of focus, please read the following:

ACTIVATE 2022 Key Themes and Topics


Suggested Topics

AI, ML, & Data Science

Deploying machine learning models in search, natural language processing (NLP), semantic search, deep learning in search, recommendation systems, user segmentation modeling, sentiment analysis, document visualization, predictive analytics, query routing and technical Fusion talks


Deploying machine learning models in search, natural language processing (NLP), semantic search, deep learning in search, recommendation systems, user segmentation modeling, sentiment analysis, document visualization, and predictive analytics

Customer Service

Customer service case studies, customer self-service, searchable knowledge base, agent effectiveness, call deflection, ROI measurement, customer insight

Knowledge Management

Digital transformation case studies, data accessibility, digital experience for knowledge workers, modernizing IT systems, document summarization, employee self-service, help desk ticket deflection, and ROI measurement

Next-Gen Search Relevance

Personalization, relevance tuning, signals, recommendations, query optimization, learning to rank, user segmentation modeling, automated query rewriting, and A/B testing 

Site Search

Search and discovery case studies, site search strategy for content marketing, user intent prediction, personalization, ROI


ACTIVATE will feature high quality content and networking opportunities. In addition to attending virtual talks, attendees will have a chance to interact with speakers and peers in breakout Q&A sessions, participate in a virtual networking lounge, and chat with sponsors on the latest solutions and technologies.

ACTIVATE 2021 was an incredible success, and 2022 will deliver an even more impactful virtual experience. Make sure you get in on the action by submitting your talk before Friday, August 26, 2022.


About Angela Boling

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