Analystenberichte, Arbeitsplatz

White Paper: Rules or Signals – Which is Better for Personalized Search?

How user behavior gives you the most relevant search results - instead of relying on thousands of rules.
CXC, E-books

Build Solr Apps Faster with Fusion

Build Apache Solr search applications faster with Lucidworks Fusion.
Arbeitsplatz, E-books

Ebook: Enterprise Search in 2025

Data is eating the world and search is the key to finding the data you need.
Arbeitsplatz, E-books

Ebook: Search is the New Killer App

The past, present, and future of search tech for both consumers and the enterprise
Analystenberichte, Arbeitsplatz

IDC: Better Search with Unified Information Access

IDC analysts Carrie Solinger and David Schubmehl on the next shift in search.
Commerce, E-books

12 Must-Have Query Types for Commerce Search

A dozen query types you need to return relevant search results to your shoppers and customers
Arbeitsplatz, E-books

Understanding Intention

Using content, context, and the crowd to build better search applications.