As we countdown to the annual Lucene/Solr Revolution conference in Austin this October, we’re highlighting talks and sessions from past conferences. Today, we’re highlighting Target engineer Raja Ramachandran’s session on implementing Solr at one of the world’s largest retail companies.

Sending Solr into action on a high volume, high profile website within a large corporation presents several challenges — and not all of them are technical. This will be an open discussion and overview of the journey at Target to date. We’ll cover some of the wins, losses and ties that we’ve had while implementing Solr at Target as a replacement for a legacy enterprise search platform. In some cases the solutions were basic, while others required a little more creativity. We’ll cover both to paint the whole picture.

Raja Ramachandran is an experienced Solr architect with a passion for improving relevancy and acquiring data signals to improve search’s contextual understanding of its user.

lucenerevolution-avatarJoin us at Lucene/Solr Revolution 2015, the biggest open source conference dedicated to Apache Lucene/Solr on October 13-16, 2015 in Austin, Texas. Come meet and network with the thought leaders building and deploying Lucene/Solr open source search technology. Full details and registration…

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