As we countdown to the annual Lucene/Solr Revolution conference in Austin this October, we’re highlighting talks and sessions from past conferences. Today, we’re highlighting StubHub engineer Neeraj Jain’s session on de-duping in Solr.

Stubhub handles large number of events and related documents. Use of Solr within Stubhub has grown from search for events/tickets to content ingestion. One of the major challenges that are faced in content ingestion systems is to detect and remove duplicates without compromising on quality and performance. We present a solution that involves spatial searching, custom update handler, custom geodist function etc, to solve the de-duplication problem. In this talk, we’ll present design and implementation details of the custom modules and APIs and discuss some of the challenges that we faced and how we overcame them.
We’ll also present the comparison analysis between old and the new system used for de-duplication.

Neeraj Jain is an engineer working with Stubhub Inc in San Francisco. He has a special interest in search domain and has been working with SOLR for over 4 years. He also has interest in mobile app development; he works as a freelancer and has applications on Google play store and iTunes store that are built using SOLR. Neeraj has a Masters in Technology degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.

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