Lucene in Action, 2nd edition

Lucene in Action, 2nd edition is now available through the Manning Early Access Program. We’ve arranged for an exclusive discount, on either printbook+ebook or just the ebook, for our readers. Simply enter the code lucene40 and get 40% off the book until April 1, 2009.

Lucene in Action, Second Edition, completely revises and updates the best-selling first edition and remains the authoritative book on Lucene. This book shows you how to index your documents, including types such as MS Word, PDF, HTML, and XML. It introduces you to searching, sorting, and filtering, and covers the numerous changes to Lucene since the first edition. All source code has been updated to latest APIs (2.4.x and aims to be current to the upcoming Lucene 2.9 and 3.0 APIs)

What’s been updated in the 2nd edition:

  • Updating and deleting documents using IndexWriter
  • Using the different LockFactory, DeletionPolicy, MergePolicy and MergeScheduler implementations that have been factored out.
  • Using the new autoCommit option in IndexWriter
  • Understanding simplifications to Lucene’s locking
  • Adding payloads to your index and using them with BoostingTermQuery
  • Using Function queries
  • Using FieldSelector to speed up loading of stored fields
  • Using IndexReader.reopen() to efficiently opening a new reader from an existing one
  • Measuring performance using the „benchmark“ contrib package
  • Tuning the indexing or searching speed
  • Using threads to gain concurrency
  • Managing resources like memory, disk, and file descriptors usage
  • Making a backup copy of your index without pausing indexing.
  • Debugging common problems

Still to come (and if you purchase now, you will receive the added content through MEAP and in the final print book): a chapter on Solr and a case study on our very own LucidFind search system of the entire Lucene ecosystem.

To purchase, visit

About Erik Hatcher

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