During the Lucene/Solr Revolution session, „Schemaless Solr and the Solr Schema REST API,“ Steve Rowe, Senior Software Engineer at Lucidworks, will show you how and why to use Solr’s new Schemaless Mode, under which document indexing can be performed with no up-front schema configuration. Solr uses content clues to choose among a predefined set of field types and then automatically add previously unseen fields to the schema.

This introductory level session will take place from 3:40-4:25 on Wednesday, November 6. Click here for more details.

About the Speaker:

Steve Rowe (@steven_a_rowe) is a Lucene/Solr committer and member of the Lucene/Solr PMC. Before joining Lucidworks in 2012, Steve worked on Information Retrieval and NLP research projects at the Center for Natural Language Processing at Syracuse University’s iSchool. Steve earned his BS in Computer Science from Syracuse University.

More Details:

  • For more information about Lucene/Solr Revolution EU, visit lucenerevolution.org.
  • For more Road to Revolution posts, click here.
  • To view the full session agenda, click here.
  • To register for the conference, click here.
  • To get the latest conference news and updates, follow @LuceneSolrRev on Twitter.
  • Do you have a question about the conference? Do you want to be added to the conference mailing list? Are you interested in sponsoring Revolution? If so, please email us at: info@lucenerevolution.org.

Lucene/Solr Revolution is presented by Lucidworks, the commercial entity for Apache Lucene/Solr open source search — the future of search technology.

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