Lucidworks im Gartner®️ Magic Quadrant™️ 2024 als Leader – WEITERE INFORMATIONEN

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KI-gestützte Suchanwendungen für schnellere Entscheidungen, zufriedenere Teams und loyale Kunden.

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SAS helps 16,000 global employees search 9M documents to find critical information with Fusion

“We have to be able to serve the data. Our data grows exponentially day to day. It’s not going to go away anytime in the future, it’s just going to grow.”

Alex Flynn, Sr. Manager – IT, SAS Institute

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Enterprise Search in 2025

Discover the Future of AI and Search

Enterprise search technologies are evolving – but user expectations are evolving faster. Learn the four big breakthroughs in search – and how they will impact your business, now and in the years to come.


Connect Employees with Information and Insights

The Hyper-Personalized Employee Experience


As an employee starts their search, query analysis personalizes their results leading them to the information and insights they need. 


Boost employee effectiveness and efficiency by providing documents and business-critical information to drive the next best action.


 Future browsing is tailored based on each employee’s role and prior searches, offering hyper-relevant suggestions.


Help Desk

Anticipate and proactively solve problems based on accumulated user data, time of purchase, geography, demographics, and more.

Employees Expect Consumer-Like Digital Experiences

Give your digital workforce answers to their questions, however they are asked. Smart Answers on Lucidworks Fusion extends the functionality of chatbots and virtual assistants with deep learning.

  • Deliver contextual answers to natural language questions
  • Improve employee engagement and effectiveness
  • Enable self-service to reduce helpdesk ticket volume

2019 Gartner Critical Capabilities Report 

Learn Why Lucidworks Fusion is Named The Highest Scoring Product in 3 of 4 Use Cases

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Digital Transformation: Building a Business Case for AI-Powered Search

Is search an essential complement to traditional workflows, a nice-to-have, or an annoyance?

If it’s one of the latter two, you are missing an opportunity to give your people the power of AI and the insights they want. Learn how you can:

  • Use machine learning to connect employees to info at their exact moment of need.
  • Stoke team-member creativity by erasing hours of unproductive hunting for insights.
  • Predict and calculate ROI for your investment in AI-powered search.

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The Hyper-Personalized Employee Experience

  • Bring consumer-like experiences to the workplace
  • Customize insight discovery
  • Improve employee engagement and retention

Lucidworks named a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Cognitive Search, Q2 2019

Download Forrester’s 2019 Wave Report for Cognitive Search

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Empower Employees with Smart Answers

Give your digital workforce answers to their questions, however they are asked. Smart Answers on Lucidworks Fusion extends the functionality of chatbots and virtual assistants with deep learning.

Deliver contextual answers to natural language questions
Improve employee engagement and effectiveness
Enable self-service to reduce helpdesk ticket volume

Enterprise Search: Know Before You Buy

Faceting is just one of over a dozen features every search application requires to succeed in the digital workplace. Read our shopping list of what’s required to deploy a consumer-grade experience with enterprise-grade results.

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Enterprise Search Buyer's Guide

AI-Powered Search for All of Your Data Services

Any source. Any data. AI-powered query analysis to bring your data together.


But Lucidworks turns that bowl of spaghetti into something simple, yet powerful. Data comes from everywhere. Searches have to know how to find the right information in the right form at the right time. Your people don’t care. They just want the insights, so our platform brings all your data together, predicts the searcher’s intent, and delivers the best result for each individual.

Your employees are what sets you apart. Are you connecting them the insights they need?  Today, that’s the only way to attract and retain the best people. Without that, someone else will serve your customers.

Explore the Lucidworks Fusion Platform

Lucidworks Fusion is the data discovery platform that gives users contextual, personally relevant search results and proactive recommendations with artificial intelligence that augments their human intelligence. Millions of users can discover insights at the moment they have a question, without any training, and even across billions of documents or records.

Data Ingest & Prep Server & Storage Intent Prediction App Creation
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Lucidworks Fusion Pricing

Lucidworks offers pricing across three product tiers, either self-hosted by your team or as a Lucidworks managed service in the cloud with list prices calibrated to expected usage levels.

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Learn how Lucidworks AI-powered search can boost your business.

We’re ready to get you, and your customers to the knowledge they require. Talk to us about your unique needs, and we’ll come up with the AI search and discovery solutions that fit.

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