Lucidworks im Gartner®️ Magic Quadrant™️ 2024 als Leader – WEITERE INFORMATIONEN

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Wir unterstützen die weltweit größten Unternehmen dabei, ihre wertvollsten Daten für ihre Kunden und Mitarbeitenden verfügbar zu machen.

Build Powerful Search And Data

Build Powerful Search and Discovery Apps

Fusion is the insight engine that drives cognitive search. This gives users hyper-personal relevancy that makes shoppers, employees — and CFOs happy. Using integrated AI, millions of users can discover insights the moment they have a question — even across billions of documents or records.

Learn more about the Lucidworks Fusion platform.

Outsouce Your Solr Dev Ops

Simplify Your Solr DevOps

Lucidworks Managed Search makes it easy to deploy, scale, and operate Solr on public or private clouds including AWS, GCP, and Azure. Save money, reduce risk, and free your developers‘ creativity by moving your Apache Solr cluster to the cloud, orchestrated with Lucidworks Managed Search.

Learn more about Lucidworks Managed Search.

Turn Your Data Into Insights

Whether you’re creating amazing AI-powered search apps or streamlining your Solr operations, Lucidworks is ready to help your team deliver insights to users exactly in their moments of need.

Contact Us Today