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Überlegene Websitesuche
in Minutenschnelle

Eine leistungsstarke Suche ist jetzt auf einer schnellen, benutzerfreundlichen Plattform verfügbar, die jeder in Ihrem Team verwalten kann.

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Poor search on your website frustrates users and sends prospective customers looking elsewhere. You’ve discovered site search options but they are time intensive, require advanced technical expertise, and are costly to deploy.

Learn more about Connected Search, the site search solution making it easy to crawl, index, and deliver highly relevant results out-of-the-box.

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Fix your site search now—
no search expertise required

Your website visitors expect intent-driven, relevant search results. Lucidworks Connected Search makes it easy to deliver world-class search on your site. Get superior relevancy right away, powered by machine learning that lets you tune results with the push of a button.

Lightning fast indexing
and results

Connected Search ingests any public site or authenticated document repository with blazing fast indexing that crawls, indexes, and searches thousands of docs in minutes. Your unique mix of site content and file types is surfaced to users so results are always fresh, complete, and—most importantly— relevant.

Zero IT needed

Stop waiting around for IT resources. Connected Search is a SaaS search platform with nothing to install or download. Once you log in, your website search can be ready in minutes with our streamlined, easy-to-follow setup and speedy indexing.

Best search relevancy

Connected Search gives you superior results from the very first search. Out-of-the-box deep learning models understand intent and serve up the most relevant content for each individual user. Guided workflows let anyone on your team adjust and improve relevance without guesswork, code or expense.

Smarter search starts here

Work smarter, not harder. Lucidworks Connected Search comes with everything you need to create the relevant experiences your visitors expect—without the do-it-yourself headache.

Instant analytics

Analytics and dashboards uncover opportunities to serve your site visitors and content more effectively. Show the impact and prove the value of site search with industry-leading metrics and KPI reporting.

Experience Optimizer

See the impact of relevancy tuning before your users do. Our experience optimizer lets you add, update, and preview relevancy rules with a drag-and-drop UI. Get it the way you want, then push it live.

Adaptive relevancy

Your user’s behavior insights are your best asset for better search. Our machine learning continuously analyzes and applies insights so search results improve automatically, revealing trending queries, frequent searches, and recommended content.

Intelligent typeahead

Surface suggested queries and documents as soon as they start typing. Connected Search evokes an immersive search experience that immediately starts connecting users to what they’re looking for.

Smarter misspelling detection

We love typos. Automatic synonym detection and spell check correct and suggest as users type so they get what they want—even when they make mistakes.

Push-button AI

Connected Search includes powerful AI and machine learning, delivered through guided workflows that anyone on your team can use. With the push of a button, give your users high-quality, relevant results—no code or data science experience required.

Ready to get your search together?

Start giving your site visitors the superior site search they expect.