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Video: Align Digital Experience Strategy and Technology Investments to Fuel Profitable Growth

Better digital experiences go hand in hand with revenue growth, profitability and long-term customer loyalty. The digital imperative is clear, but the path to success is not. Brands must understand which digital interactions provide the biggest business impact along every step of the customer journey, and then invest in technologies that create differentiated experiences.

In this webinar you’ll learn:

  • How to assess your DX delivery maturity and understand how to link strategy with technology purchases such as digital experience platforms (DXPs)
  • Why an API-first stack, cloud-first deployment, ML-based intent detection, real-time personalization and omnichannel delivery are some of the most important elements to consider when assessing your next DX technology investment
  • Why investing in digital experiences provides significant business benefits
  • How to assess DX Delivery maturity + evaluate technology investments


Joe Cicman
Joe Cicman
Senior Analyst, Forrester
Peter Curran
Peter Curran
General Manager, Digital Commerce, Lucidworks
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