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The COVID-19 Contact Crunch: More Questions, Fewer Agents

COVID-19 accelerated the long-term trend towards broader adoption of AI and digital self-service applications. Those with AI working in their support channels were supremely glad they had it, and those without could not build it from scratch fast enough to meet the surge during the crisis. This talk is for those who are catching up with the necessity of providing friendly AI-powered search and conversational interfaces for customer self-service.

Key takeaways:

  • Why rules-based approaches to FAQs won’t work anymore. Learn how deep learning “under the hood” can make your agents more effective and free you from hours manually tuning knowledgebase articles.
  • How deflection can be personalized. You want to deflect calls, without making your customers feel “deflected”. AI can personalize the experience, and your customers will thank you for it.
  • Why support channels must send signals to the business. Service channels generate thousands of signals every day about what’s right and what’s wrong in your business. If those signals stay in the contact center, they can’t help your company accentuate the positive and fix the problems.


  • Justin Sears, VP of Product Marketing, Lucidworks
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