As the big data architect for the County of Sacramento, Guy Sperry was part of the decision making team that implemented Lucidworks Fusion to unite data over 35 lines of business. It was 2015 and he was responsible for building an enterprise content management system that would allow relevant search across regional and local government.

“We had to bring together content from fragmented technologies that crossed departmental lines, budgets, regulatory environments, you name it,” he recalled. “And all of it needed to be delivered, through access controls — both internally and externally to the public.”

Guy had been turned onto Fusion from his years of working with Solr. Solr, distributed by the Apache Foundation, is largely built by Lucidworks committers. It is also one of the many staples that makes Fusion — well, Fusion.

“While at ‘Sac County,’ we used Fusion to do things beyond the scope of its initial value,” he said.

At the time, Lucidworks actively marketed Fusion as a powerful search platform — but not as a solution for data delivery and analytics. Meanwhile, Guy and his team were busy leveraging Fusion for security analytics, geospatial data delivery, ECM data delivery, aggregate KPI analysis, as well as the all-important property tax fees assessment and analysis.

After attending back-to-back Lucidworks customer advisory board (CAB) meetings and sharing his ideas (and possibly even having some influence on the roadmap), he decided to pitch Manning Publications about the vast possibilities of Fusion. They agreed and early last year, Fusion in Action was set in motion. The book aims to provide instructions on setting up and optimizing performance of the Fusion search platform. And then how to let Fusion loose for all sorts of atypical uses.

Continuous Delivery Via MEAP

When you have a full-time job, writing sometimes has to take a back seat, which is why Manning’s MEAP (Manning Early Access Program) is ideal. The program allows for writers to deliver chapters as they are completed.

Through Manning’s MEAP program, you can purchase an advanced copy of Fusion in Action, entitling you to an electronic copy of each chapter, which is sent to you as Sperry completes it. While books can take a year or more to write and publish, with the MEAP program, you don’t need to waste valuable time waiting for its content to be wrapped up with a bow. You can leverage tips from the chapters Guy has already written to make Fusion perform. Any subsequent revisions made to chapters are also sent to you.

Another benefit of the program is that MEAP readers are invited to contribute to the writing process. As Fusion in Action chapters are released, MEAP readers can provide Guy feedback through Manning’s Author Online Forum. Reader’s insights will benefit the author as well as future readers by ultimately improving the content of the published book.

Once Fusion in Action is finalized, MEAP readers will be first to receive the published eBook, before it’s made available to the general public.

Customer Empowerment

Guy joined the Lucidworks team last fall as Director of Technical Enablement. The role, like the book, is all about empowering customers to get maximum value from our products.

Gain access to Guy’s in depth knowledge of Fusion by signing up for Fusion in Action with the MEAP program here:

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Fusion in Action book cover

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About Sommer Antrim

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