Analystenberichte, Arbeitsplatz

IDC: Better Search with Unified Information Access

Information has a central role in most organizations and yet IT teams still struggle with implementing systems to help employees find the right information when they need it. Early implementations proved fruitful in providing value and solving problems within limited domains. These older enterprise search systems are now revealing limitations that demand a new generation of solutions using semantic and linguistic capabilities: unified information access platforms. IDC Analysts Carrie Solinger and David Schubmehl give you a guided tour of the new landscape for search:

  • How traditional enterprise search technologies fall short of the next-generation needs of today’s organizations
  • Why the constantly growing volume of data and information requires a new, scalable approach to ensure seamless access for the end user
  • How relevancy still sits at the center of the search experience – and needs modern technology to serve users
  • The road ahead for IT teams to develop and deploy a broader suite of data and search applications to their organizations

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