Analystenberichte, Commerce

IDC: The Future of Digital Commerce

How technology is transforming retail, sales, and customer service.

In modern digital commerce, consumers expect and demand a curated, personalized experience. This means reaching customers on their preferred channel with customized recommendations and services based on previous interactions. Providing this seamless experience requires collecting and effectively analyzing data from multiple sources including enterprise portals, search and content analytics, procurement, order management, sales, customer service, and more. Creating a custom-built system to manage this can be incredibly costly. Organizations are turning to digital commerce platforms to facilitate the upkeep of millions of customer relationships. In this white paper, IDC Analysts David Schubmehl, Carrie Solinger, and Greg Girard walk you through the current and future state of digital commerce including:

  • Where modern companies are failing their customers in providing the best possible experience
  • How transformative technologies are shaping digital commerce
  • The benefits of implementing a digital commerce platform
  • How to overcome potential future challenges and meet opportunities for increased revenues

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