Forrester Predictions 2023: Banking Report

Banks and financial services organizations are staring down an unpredictable year ahead. Customers are also feeling the pressures of inflation and an unpredictable economy. Analysis from leading analyst firm, Forrester, shows that organizations will prioritize efficiency and cost cutting to prepare themselves for the long-term.

Knowledge management solutions that prioritize the advisor experience and customer service solutions that soothe client anxiety create stability amidst unpredictability. Now is the moment for banks to finally tackle technical debt to be ready for even more digital innovation once the economy settles.

Download the complimentary report today to learn:

  • Where banks will direct their spending on digital innovation
  • The impact of not addressing technical debt now
  • The likelihood of acquisitions in 2023


Firms shouldn’t digitize blindly and eliminate all human intervention in their quest for savings. They should continue to invest in hybrid experiences: Customers rate them higher than purely digital or physical experiences. To deliver great hybrid experiences, banks need to design emotionally attuned journeys and connect insights and decisioning across all channels.

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