Analystenberichte, Commerce

Shoppers Stay Hungry Online: Groceries on the Internet in 2022

Lucidworks surveyed consumers across the U.S. and U.K. who shop for groceries online at least once a month. The survey revealed that nearly 60% of shoppers experience a preferred item frequently or almost always being out-of-stock online.

How do you keep shoppers in the online store?

Grocers must know and understand a wide range of consumer preferences including dietary restrictions, price fit, and brand loyalties for each individual shopper and then scale that to meet the needs of their entire online customer base. No easy feat.

This survey report focuses on three solutions to keep shoppers full (and loyal):

  • Make relevant recommendations. Shoppers are open to substitutes for a large portion of their groceries.
  • Alert shoppers when their preferred items are low-in-stock and back in stock. They’re ready to buy.
  • Ensure shoppers can find the items you do have. Smart search and filtering boosts average order value.

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