Analystenberichte, Commerce

Find the Perfect Fit: Shoppers’ Online Search for Apparel in 2022

Lucidworks surveyed consumers across the U.S. and U.K. who shop for apparel online at least once a month. The survey revealed that nearly 60% of shoppers experience a preferred item frequently or almost always being out-of-stock online.

Apparel retailers have to connect the dots between fluctuating inventory and ever-shifting fashion taste to alert shoppers when their favorite items are low-in-stock or back-in-stock, and push relevant recommendations in the meantime.

This survey report focuses on three solutions to keep shoppers well-dressed (and loyal):

  • Understand shoppers’ unique tastes to make more relevant recommendations. There’s (almost) always a substitute that shoppers are open to buying.
  • Alert shoppers when their preferred items are low-in-stock and back-in-stock. They don’t want to miss out.
  • Ensure shoppers can find the items you do have. Smart search and filtering boosts average order value.

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