Commerce, Fallstudien

Lucidworks Helps Our B2B Commerce Customers Drive Maximum Search Success

Learn how we help our B2B Commerce customers drive search success

Our customers span a wide range of B2B commerce use cases, and support their own customers by offering durable and non-durable goods into the right hands. Take a peek and see how we’ve been able to support their success with higher conversions, increased relevancy, and delightful, personal experiences for their own customers.

Download our snapshot of case studies today and learn:

  • How a leading auto parts company was able to support customers online, even when they couldn’t access brick and mortar storefronts
  • How we helped a complex electronics components company surface the right SKU when there’s millions of options for their customers to choose from
  • How an industrial absorbents company was able to use natural language processing to ensure the most relevant products were showing up in results – no matter the keywords used
  • How one of the world’s largest PC manufacturers was able to increase CTR at record scale