Commerce, Fallstudien

Case Study: Search Is the Universal Language of Lenovo Customers

When Global Search Lead Marc Desormeau took over the search team for Lenovo, he was confronted with a question, “Why is search not doing what we need it to do?”

Lenovo is the number one PC manufacturer in the world, but that’s just the beginning of its product offerings. It’s also the number one provider of supercomputers, it sells phones (as Motorola), it provides large data center solutions, and sells widgets down to the little red track point nub on a laptop. With B2C and B2B business spanning over 180 countries in 88 different languages, Lenovo’s customer base is as diverse as the products.

So what leads a graphic designer in Beijing to the exact ThinkPad she needs? How does a business in North Carolina find the right infrastructure to support its internal systems? Find out here.

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